

Cats, animals closest to humans, pets, are eunubic to many people, and have lived with people for more than 7000 years and belong to mammals, and there are many types of cats that differ in shape, color and size.
One of the characteristics of cats is that it love to play and climb to high places, and a feature in their ability to regain their body balance when exposed to falls from high places
  • Some types of cats
There are many breeds of cats, but the most famous are :
Siamese Cats : There are in feet, face, ears, and tail of a Siamese cat. Some signs or areas are different in color from their body. There is also a type of Siamese cat with a large head and a slim body, and some of them are available on an apple-like head
                              Siamese cats

Maine Coon Cat : It is a very popular cat, it is large and has thick brown fur, often striped with brown, but it can be found in any other color. Min Queen cats have an extra toe which increases the size of the foot. It is an adaptation which helps to hunt when the snow falls. 
                            Maine Coon Cat

Ragdoll Cat : It is an obedient cat who likes to relax, and his character is similar to the personality of dogs as he tends to chase owners in the house, and he is similar to Siamese cats in terms of long fur and eye color blue.
  Ragdoll cat

American Shorthair Cat : A cat with a round face, has short ears and, as its name suggests, are short hairs, and it is also distinguished by its intelligence.
          American Shorthair cat

Domestic Cat : The oldest cat breeds, and there are cats of all colors and patterns, and they are very diverse, such as large or small cats, full or thin, depending on their proportions and nutrition.
Domestic Cats

And there are also a lot of types of cats like for exemple :

Scottish Fold Cat
Polydactyl Cat
Calico Cat
British Shorthair Cat
Norwegian Forest Cat
Japanese Bobtail Cat
Gray Tabby Cat
Persian Cat
Snowshoe Cat
