Monkeys, and some important informations about its lifestyle


Monkeys are animals closest to humans and more intelligent than animals. It occupies a very high place among animals, which are considered the most prestigious places. It has more than 264 species distributed in the world and lives in gathered groups managed by a herd leader.

We all know that monkeys are the most intelligent animals, especially chimpanzees, which have many physical characteristics similar to humans. Therefore, it is frequently used in scientific experiments, especially psychological ones.


Also, the monkeys were one of the first animals that were used to travel via missiles and spacecraft, and the United States of America sent the first monkey into space called Albert, but it died of suffocation during a 63 km flight to space aboard the Veto missile. 

The monkey is a kind and social animal that lives in large groups, but when it feels a real threat to its life, it can attack and kill the person in defense of its self. 

There are many strange behaviors in monkey societies, especially when mating, which are very similar to the behavior of humans. Mostly, the monkey has one wife and is the mother of its children, and it builds a separate house and takes care of children, but some monkeys mate with more than one female secretly. 

In 2010, a group of 15 monkeys managed to escape from a research institute in Japan using trees as they jumped over an electric fence at a height of 17 feet . Contrary to what is promoted among people that monkeys eat only bananas, this is not true. Monkeys are carnivores in addition to foods of plant origin. Also, most monkeys eat nuts, seeds, and fruits. 

The monkeys work in groups to search for food, where the group leader collects food, while the others are responsible for guarding. As each monkey takes care of its colleague, he cleans any scratches and removes insects from its hair. 
